"The Novice in the Archive":   The 1860 Census

1.   Point your browser to http://valley.vcdh.virginia.edu/choosepart.html to reach The Valley of the Shadow Web Site.

2.   In the larger image on the left entitled "The Eve of the War," click on the section that reads "Census and Tax Records" to access that portion of the Web site.

3.   Next click on "Search the Census"

4.   Then click on "Search the Population Census"

5.   Count the number of free blacks classified as "black" in the 1860 census for Augusta County whose Personal Estate was valued at more than one dollar by scrolling down and then: a) clicking the button next to "1860"; b) then clicking the button next to "Augusta"; c) then clicking the button next to the word "black," inserting the value "1" in the box following "Personal Estate value in $ >." (Leave all other boxes and categories blank). d) Then scroll up until you find the button that reads "Initiate Search".   Click on this button.

6.   Enter the information from the resulting table in the space below:

Number of Free Blacks classified as "black" with a Personal Estate greater than $1:

Number of "Black" Males with a Personal Estate > $1:
Number of "Black" Females with a Personal Estate > $1:

List the three occupations that appear most frequently in this table and the number of times each of the three occupations appears:



7.  Then click on "View detailed search on this page of results" near the bottom of the page.   Count and record each of the following:

Total Number of those classified as "black" who own any Real Estate:

Number of "Black" Males who own any Real Estate:
Number of "Black" Females who own any Real Estate:

8.   Then click on "Go back to search page" at the bottom of this page. Now repeat the search process you followed in step 5 above, first for black males with a personal estate greater than $1 and then for black females with a personal estate greater than $1.  Each time you complete a search, click on "View search statistics" and use the resulting statistics to calculate the average Net Worth (Personal Estate + Real Estate) for the males and the females who possess Personal Estates valued at more than $1.  Remember to take into account that most of these people, both male and female, own no Real Estate.  Enter the averages below:

Average Net Worth of these "Black" Males:
Average Net Worth of these "Black" Females:

9.   Return to "Search the U.S. Census - Basic Search" by clicking the "back" button on your browser or clicking on the link in this sentence.   Repeat steps 5 through 8, but this time selecting "mulatto" instead of "black."

10.   Enter the information you found and the calculations you have made in the space below:

Number of Free Blacks classified as "mulatto" with a Personal Estate greater than $1:

Number of "Mulatto" Males with a Personal Estate greater than $1:
Number of "Mulatto" Females with a Personal Estate greater than $1::

List the three occupations that appear most frequently in this table and the number of times each of the three occupations appears:


11. Then click on "View detailed search on this page of results" near the bottom of the page and count:

Total Number of those classified as "mulatto" who own Real Estate:

Number of "Mulatto" Males who own any Real Estate:
Number of "Mulatto" Females who own any Real Estate:

12.   Then click on "Go back to search page" at the bottom of this page. Now repeat the search process you followed in step 8 above, first for males and then for females.  Each time you complete a search, click on "View search statistics" and use the resulting statistics to calculate the average Net Worth (Personal Estate + Real Estate) for the males and the females who possess Personal Estates valued at more than $1.   Remember to take into account that most of these people, both male and female, own no Real Estate.  Enter the averages below:

Average Net Worth of these "Mulatto" Males:
Average Net Worth of these "Mulatto" Females:

13.   Based on the data that you have just collected, what tentative answers would you give to the following questions:

a) Did free mulattoes living in Augusta County, Virginia in 1860 enjoy greater opportunities for economic and occupational advance than those free persons classified as "black"?

b) Did free black males living in Augusta County, Virginia in 1860 enjoy greater opportunities than free black females?

c) How do you account for the differences?

(Hint: Point your browser to http://valley.vcdh.virginia.edu/govdoc/statistics/colorcond.html for a chart which provides figures for the total number of free blacks living in Augusta County in 1860, the number classified as "black" or "mulatto" and the number of males and females in each category).

Write your answers in complete sentences in the space provided below. You may also use the reverse side of this sheet. Please make sure that your name(s) is (are) on these sheets and hand them in at the conclusion of the class period.