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"Always Remember"                               Dr. Schulkin

Daily Assignments: Week by Week                 Spring 2000
Jan. 10        Jan. 17    Jan. 24    Jan. 31      Feb. 7    Feb. 14    Feb. 21     Feb. 28     March 6

March 13    April 3    April 10   April 17   April 24   May 1      May 8     May 15      May 22

Explanation of Course Goals and Rationale

Week of January 10

Jan. 10:    Introduction:   Historical Interpretation as Memory   (Day 1)

Jan. 12:    Documentary as Memory: The Holocaust: Through Our own Eyes.   (Day 3)
Jan. 14:    Memory and the World Wide Web: the Learning Site for Students
                 (Day 5).   Meet in the computer lab. 

Week of January 17

Jan. 19:     Memoir and Literature as Memory:  Fragments.    First set of journals due.
                   (Day 7)

Jan. 21:      Lecture: The Nazi Seizure of Power.    (Day 9)


Week of January 24

Jan. 25:     Learning Site for Students:  Jews in Pre-War Germany.  (Day 1)
                  Meet in the computer lab. 
Jan. 27:     Learning Site for Students: The Final Solution.   Second set of
                  journals due.  (Day 3).  Meet in computer lab.


Week of January 31

Jan. 31:     Lecture: The Nazi Dictatorship: "Seizure", Consolidation and Expansion of
                  Power.   (Day 5)

Feb. 2:      Marrus, preface and pp 1-25m.   Begin lecture on "Misconceptions About
                  Hitler's Role in Planning and Implementing the 'Final Solution'."   (Day 7)

Feb. 4:      Marrus, pp 25m-46b.   Finish lecture on "Misconceptions About Hitler's
                  Role in Planning and Implementing the 'Final Solution'."   (Day 9)


Week of February 7

Feb. 8:       Marrus, pp 46b-70.   Paper comparing lectures with Web site due.   (Day 1)

Feb. 10:     Marrus, pp 71-94b.   (Day 3)

Week of February 14

Feb. 14:     Au Revoir Les Enfants.   Read Marrus, pp 94b-121.   (Day 5)

Feb. 16:     Au Revoir Les Enfants.   Journal on An Important Turning Point due.   (Day 7)

Week of February 21

Feb. 22:     Response to Au Revoir Les Enfants due.   Discussion of Marrus, chapters 4-5.
                   (Day 9)

Feb. 24:     Essay exam on Marrus, chapters 4-5.    (Day 1)

Week of February 28

Feb. 28:       Marrus, pp 122-132 and Night, pp 1-35t.   (Day 3)

March 1:     Discussion of Night. pp 35t-109.    (Day 5)

March 3:     Film:  Escape From Sobibor.   (Day 7)

Week of March 6

March 7:      Film:  Escape From Sobibor.   Paper on Night due.   (Day 9)

March 9:      Lecture:  Escape From Sobibor:  The Book and The Film Compared.  (Day 1)

Week of March 13

March 13:     In-class essay comparing the film Escape From Sobibor and the lecture.
                       (Day 3)

March 15:     Marrus, chapter 8.   (Day 5)

March 17:     Video: Weapons of the Spirit.   (Day 7)

Fourth Quarter Assignments

Week of April 3

April 4:        Video: Kitty: Return to Auschwitz.    (Day 9)

April 6:        Ordinary Men, preface and chapters 1-3.   (Day 1)

Week of April 10

April 10:       Ordinary Men, chapters 4-6.   Journal response to Kitty due.   (Day 3)

April 12:       Ordinary Men, chapters 7-9.   (Day 5)

April 14:       Ordinary Men, chapters 10-13.   (Day 7)

Week of April 17

April 18:       Ordinary Men, chapters 14-17.   (Day 9)

April 20:       Ordinary Men, chapter 18.   (Day 1)

Week of April 24

April 24:        Paper on Ordinary Men due.   Film: Europa, Europa.   (Day 3)

April 26:        Film: Europa, Europa.   Read Maus, I, pp 5-69.   (Day 5)

April 28:        Discussion of Europa, Europa.  In-class response to Europa, Europa.
                       (Day 7)


Week of May 1

May 2:         Read Maus, I, pp 70-159.   Discussion of volume I.   (Day 9)

May 4:         Read Maus, volume II.   Discussion of Maus, volumes I and II.   (Day 1)

Week of May 8

May 8:         The Complete Maus.    Meet in computer lab.   (Day 3)

May 10:        Discussion of The Complete Maus.    In-class essay on The Complete Maus.
                      (Day 5)


Week of May 15

May 12:        Read Nightfather.   Discussion of Nightfather.   (Day 7)

May 16:        Discussion comparing Nightfather and Maus.   (Day 9)

May 18:        Review for final examination.   (Day 1)

Week of May 22

May 22:       Review for final examination.

          The final examination will consist of a single essay question comparing the impact of the Holocaust on survivors and their children as depicted in Maus and Nightfather.    A required course evaluation will also be due on the day of the exam.