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A.P. U.S. History Mr. Schulkin
Daily Assignments Third Quarter

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 Jan. 14       Jan. 21     Jan. 28     Feb. 4      Feb. 11     Feb. 18    Feb. 25     March 4    March 11
April 1      April 8     April 15   April 22   April 29    May 6     May 13     May 20                    


Week of January 14

Jan. 14:     Introduction to Semester II.    Joint.
                   Potential Research Paper Sites => => => => => => => =>
Jan. 15:     People, pp 319-327b. 
                  Guides to Searching the Web => => => => => => => =>
Jan. 16:     People, pp 327b-334.    Lecture:  Industrial Growth and the Rise
                   of Big Business.   Catalogs of Local Libraries => => => => => => => =>
Jan. 17:     People, pp 336-346t.     Lecture:  The Response to Industrialism
                   and Big Business.
Jan. 18:     People, pp 346t-353.     Discussion of chapters 17-18 and the lectures.

Week of January 21
Jan. 21:     Holiday. 
Jan. 22:     Problem proposal with bibliography due.   (Slides of Tenements)
Jan. 23:     People, pp 355-365m.   Video: Immigrant Experience.
Jan. 24:     People, pp 365m-366b; 369b-375. 
Jan. 25:     Plain Folk, pp 3-13.    Mini-lecture on autobiography. 

Week of January 28

Jan. 28:     Plain Folk, pp 22-34.    Mini-Lecture: Immigration.
Jan. 29:     Plain Folk, pp 37-48.    Lecture: "The Breadgivers."
Jan. 30:     Plain Folk, pp 49-57; 124-131.
Jan. 31:     Plain Folk, pp 97-114.
Feb. 1:      Plain Folk, pp 132-147.    Lecture:  Working Class Life.   (Double History)

Week of February 4

Feb. 4:      Plain Folk, pp 164-175.    Discussion of Plain Folk.
Feb. 5:       In-class essay on Plain Folk.  (Joint: History 60/English 40)
Feb. 6:       People, pp 377-384t.
Feb. 7:       People, pp 384t-391.   (Joint: English 50/History 50)
Feb. 8:       Multiple-choice quiz.   (Joint: History 50/English 50)

Week of February 11

Feb. 11:      Tentative thesis statement with list of sources due.   Research paper interviews.
Feb. 12:       Research paper interviews.  
Feb. 13:       Research paper interviews.  
Feb. 14:       Research paper interviews.  
Feb. 15:       In-Service Day.

Week of February 18
Feb. 18:      Holiday.
Feb. 19:     "Up From Slavery?," pp 1-6t.
Feb. 20:     "Up From Slavery?," pp 6t-12.
Feb. 21:      In-class DBQ.   (Joint:  History 60/English 40)
Feb. 22:      People, pp 393-404b.   (Joint:  English 60/History 40)

Week of February 25

Feb. 25:      First draft of term paper due.
                    Lecture: The Woman's Suffrage Movement.
Feb. 26:      People, pp 404b-409.
Feb. 27:      People, pp 411-422m.  
Feb. 28:      People, pp 422m-427.
March 1:     Review for mid-term examination.

Week of March 4

March 4:      Mid-term examination..
March 5:      People, pp 429-437m.
March 6:      People, pp 437m-446.
March 7:      People, pp 448-455m.
March 8:      Final draft of term paper due.
                      Lecture:  The Harlem Renaissance.

Week of March 11

March 11:     People, pp 455m-464.   (Joint: English 60/History 40)
March 12:      Rise of the Ghetto, pp 1-6.
March 13:      People, pp 466-472b.
March 14:      People, pp 472b-478m.
March 15:      People, pp 478m-486.

Fourth Quarter Assignments

Week of April 1

April 1:         Double History:   Video: The Homefront.
April 2:         Double English.   (Read People, pp 488-497b.)
April 3:         Discussion of People, pp 488-504.
April 4:         People, pp 506-512m; 519b-524.
April 5:         People, pp 526-533b.

Week of April 8

April 8:         People, pp 533b-543t; 546t-547. 
April 9:         People, pp 549-557b.
April 10:       People, pp 557b-566t.
April 11:       People, pp566t-574.   (Summary and Review).
April 12:       Review for mid-term examination.

Week of April 15

April 15:       Mid-term examination.
April 16:       Video and Lecture:  The Vietnam War.
                      (Read People, pp 577-584m.)
April 17:        Lecture:  The Vietnam War.
                      (Read People, pp 584m-592m.)
April 18:        People, pp 604-612b.   (Double History)
April 19:        People, pp 612b-622.   Begin review for the AP exam.   (Double History)

Week of April 22

April 22:        Double English.
April 23:        Double English.
April 24:        In-class DBQ.   (Joint: History 60/English 40)
April 25:        Double English.
April 26:        Review for the AP exam.    Introduction to the OHP.

Week of April 29

April 29:        Review for the AP exam.
April 30:        Review for the AP exam.
May l:           Review for the AP exam.
May 2:          Review for the AP exam.
May 3:          Review for the AP exam.    Preliminary problem for OHP due.

Week of May 6

May 6:          Review for the AP exam.
May 7:          Review for the AP exam.   (Double History)
May 8:          Review for the AP exam.   (Double History)
May 9:          English AP exam.   (Optional Evening Review Session)
May 10:        AP exam.

Week of May 13

May 13:         Lecture: Changing Shape of Woman's Sphere.
May 14:         Lecture: "Women, Work and Family since 1945."
May 15:         Introduction to "Women, Work and Family" Simulation.   (Double History)
May 16:         Double English.
May 17:         Double English.


Week of May 20
May 21:         OHP due.   Film: The Front.
May 22:         The Crucible revisited.
May 23:         The Crucible revisited.
May 24:         Double English.
May 25:         Discussion of simulation assignment and course evaluation.